Presenting a special collaboration between Paraboot, Tenbox, and COLONY CLOTHING, based on Paraboot's signature classic deck loafers. This pair features a black upper, uniquely combined with brown soles and white top-stitchings for a casual, sporty look.
SIZES: UK5 / UK5.5 / UK6 / UK6.5 / UK7 / UK7.5 / UK8 / UK8.5 / UK9
Made in Spain
Shipping charges SGD40
COLONY CLOTHINGの協力で実現したこの1足は、Parabootの代表的なデッキローファー"Coraux"をベースに、すでに定番化してきたブラックとブラウンのコンビで別注しました。今回はアッパーをブラック、ソールをブラウン、さらにステッチをホワイトにすることで、程よいカジュアル感を演出しています。
サイズ展開 UK5 / UK5.5 / UK6 / UK6.5 / UK7 / UK7.5 / UK8 / UK8.5 / UK9
送料 $40シンガポールドル
Tenbox is the brainchild of Mr.Pigu, a former member of BEAMS Japan whose offbeat & cool designs are super popular now in Tokyo’s street fashion circle. Tenbox is a lifestyle brand that takes inspiration from Mr.Pigu’s unique take on LA and Japanese cultures. He anonymously collaborates with popular graphic artist friends and designers. The brand name was inspired by his ‘lost in translation’ moment in the US where he mistook ‘ten bucks’ for ‘ten box’ when buying a pack of cigarettes. He thought the name’s cool.. so it stuck :)
About Paraboot
Paraboot was founded in 1908 by Rémy-Alexis Richard who grew up in the village of Izeaux, at the foot of the French Alps in the late 19th century. He honed his skills in shoemaking for many years before establishing his own company together with his wife, Juliette Pontvert, naming it Richard-Pontvert. During the first World War, he made and repaired shoes for the French army. In 1926, Richard traveled to the United States and encountered vulcanized rubber boots. He brought the innovation back to France and improved the technique by applying notched soles to mountain boots, creating shoes with a stronger grip and flexibility. The brand was thus named Paraboot in 1927, after the Brazilian port of "Para" where the latex rubber for the soles originates. To this day, Paraboot continues to create footwear that are of high quality, comfortable, and yet stylish at the same time, gaining fans from all over the world.